Tuesday, April 19, 2005

Broken link? New address?

What is up with Who links to me dot com? I have tried to get there from here, other blogs, even a freakin' google search!
Has anyone else had problems?
Maybe it's just me, and the voodoo curse placed on me at birth. Or my secret room full of broken mirrors. Or maybe all the black cats crossing my path while I'm walking under a ladder. It could be all the salt I spill on a daily basis without throwing any over my shoulder.

Wow. This took a weird turn, didn't it?

http://wholinkstome.com/ -- Check it out, and let me know.

~Do not expand~


~J~ said...

Dubya must have forgiven me. Link works now.

Robin Alexa said...

Hey J I erased those posts because some freak asked me to ask him questions and then he answered the questions on my blog and his answers made me ill. And I already asked the questions to five other people some of whom have answered on their sites and so the blogathon will continue but I am done with questions now! :)