Friday, April 08, 2005

Those promised links

Okay. Now for the other two really cool links.

One of them I will place in a permanent spot in my sidebar under 'Good Stuff!!!'. But for now, you'll be able to get there through this post.

This is the one that will be made a permanent member of the country club that is my blog. It's a game. It's educational. It's both. Either way, a great time waster! (Is it really wasting time if you are learning?)

This next one I found out in the blogosphere. If I could remember which blog pointed it out, I would give them credit. Well, rest assured, if I remember which one of you it was, I'll link you here.
It is a site where you can get your blog made into a book. A hardcover real live book! I'm thinking about doing this as a yearly birthday present to myself. I wouldn't have to worry about a server crashing and losing all my hard blogging work, then, would I? Plus, I just think it would be so cool to have this hardcover book in my bookcase, and be able to say in the most nonchalant of voices, "Yeah, I wrote that."


Robin Alexa said...

It was me, it was me!!! :)

However I just stole it from somebody else...that's the way the blog thing goes.

~J~ said...

YAY!!! Thank you for reminding me.

I can't take all the credit. We have an increcible blogosphere!