Friday, April 29, 2005

B-day Bash (way late in the telling)

Okay. This is so late coming. Sorry (like you care, right?).
The birthday bash was wonderful. It was a potluck. Every inch of counter space was taken up by food -- and more kept coming.
It was a Medieval feast - which, in my world, besides trying to make foods of that time period, you are also not allowed to use utensils to eat. The only utensils are the ones that cut up the meat or scoop something onto your plate.
There was all kinds of stuff: goose (got plucked that day), bread bowls, potato stew, baked apples, roasted garlic, plus much, much more.
Little Diva's gifts trickled in. That was great, because she was able to focus on one gift at a time.
She received a wooden box (hand-carved by gifter) with four medallions inside (also made by gifter). Let's see... a CD of our friend playing the harp (beautiful!), a flower pressing kit, candles (homemade. Remember my gargoyle candle? She received a whole set of 3), a PS1, a charm bracelet, 2 fairies, plus other things I'm forgetting. (Sorry!)
And, of course, the drum.
After we did the candles(homemade cake. French vanilla w/ bananas and cream cheese frosting), she was presented with the drum. We kind of did things backwards. We kinda forgot to give her a piece of her b-day cake until much later. Sorry, ~S! She loved it, however!
Anyway, Little Diva and her daddy sat down, each with their own drum, and began to play. I was so proud!!
Later, all the drummers were outside in the pavilion (floor, roof, half walls, open air). I think there were about 30 drummers there. And Little Diva was right in there with them.
Then rain came crashing down. Loud, hard driving rain. Do you think that stopped anything? Hell, no! The drummers picked up the pace, celebrating the rain. Little Diva's hands and hair were flying! (she has hair down to her ass)
She was allowed to stay up until almost 1am, and all in all, had a very good time.

Whew! I finally related the events for the very few of you that cared. I'll go back to my weird, sarcastic self soon.

~Do not expand~

1 comment:

Robin Alexa said...

So sweet...sounds fun.