Tuesday, April 19, 2005

Project D.U. and more verbal vomit (not related)

Has anyone heard of Project D.U.? Opinions wanted. Is it a pain in the ass? Is it a really cool blogging tool?


In other news, Omarosa hung up on a local radio morning show, but not before informing them of her website. Ya know, when I first saw her on season one of 'The Apprentice', I gave her the benefit of the doubt. I figured it was the editors trying to make good television. I was wrong. She's just a bitch with an over-inflated ego. Period. And to prove her lack of stardom, she's on the newest season of The Surreal Life. This is after she was shooting her mouth off on Fear Factor.
Someone should shoot her.

I can't believe I wasted blog space on her.

~Do not expand~


Robin Alexa said...

Lady O??? What a twit.

~J~ said...

She's no Lady!