Tuesday, February 08, 2005

I am so glad he won't be my teenager!

When you are craving something, you just gotta have it! Posted by Hello

Up in Michigan the driving age is four years old. Or so this kid believed when he took his mom's car to the video store at one-thirty in the morning. When he got there, he noticed it was closed. He turned the car around, and headed back to his apartment building.
An officer followed the supposedly driver-less, coasting car, and imagine his surprise when it turned into the apartments! The kid hit two parked cars, and then backed into the officer's car.
They've decided not to press charges since he is too young, and the mom didn't even know he was awake.
She let him steer her car from her lap before. Let that be a lesson to you!!

I laughed when I read this story. The poor mom. She will have to find something very heavy to place against the apartment door every night.

At the same time, I think she should have known her kid well enough to take precautions. Not against driving. I'm sure she was just as surprised as everyone else. But she would have known she had an independent kid. One that wasn't afraid to go out alone. And a kid that was determined to get what he wanted.

This is why I am such an advocate for thinking ahead, and thinking things through. Then very little can slip through the cracks.


unknown said...

lol maybe the mom should go to her local hardware and purchase a chain...not for the door but for the leg of her independant child and chain him to the bed! She is really lucky to still have him around tho..

~J~ said...

Nah, not so much luck. Kids like that have a way of surviving anything. It's just in their nature. :)