Tuesday, February 22, 2005

Manic update.

This is what I received in my email yesterday from Manic (after she detected a hint of aggravation). :

Just to let you know I am a very conscientious person and if something happens where I can't get something done then something has happened because I work very hard on the venues I assist with and I appreciate your checking with me to see what happened. Sorry my computer froze but that was definitely out of my hands. Next month I get my Comcast cable so I shouldn't have to worry about these dial up problems. I am sorry it didn't fit as well into your schedule but I will jump on it tonight. I appreciate your attention to detail and I appreciate the seriousness and dedication you give to the venues you are involved with. Thanks for checking.

Conscientious? A conscientious person wouldn't leave all the people hanging that are depending on her. A conscientious person wouldn't wait for someone to ask wtf? before giving some puffed up answer.

Appreciates me checking with her? HA! I said, 'where is the thing you promised?' (paraphrasing). I don't call that checking on her. I call that fucking babysitting. I do not like to baby-sit.

Whatever about her computer freezing -- just because she ASSURED me it would be up and running by last night.

My attention to detail, seriousness and dedication, thanking me for checking... All just spin, folks. She is a professional ass kisser. Funny. My ass doesn't feel any better...

So, after receiving that gem of self-puffing yesterday, I did what any logical person would: I checked my email today. Nothing. Nada. Not the script, not an explanation, not even a lovely self-proclamation.

Guess how pissed I am.

We decided we are backing out of the other thing. Just have to talk to the kid about it (which won't be fun -- but my very cool kid already knows Manic is 'on the line' about to cross over. Well, after this week, she crossed. I wash my hands of her.).

I am going to go have a cigarette, and then take a shower.


Anonymous said...

Welcome to the club. Chick has pissed everybody off that sees through her bs. Sorry the kidling is getting hurt because of it.

~J~ said...

I'm not worried (too much) about the kidling. She's very resilient. Even though it does suck camel rectum.
However, I think Manic should worry about all the kids she professes to love so much.
I am going to wait until after I receive the script before telling her we're backing out of the other Big Thing.

~J~ said...

She wouldn't even have to call. She sent above email from work. Her home 'puter was freezing up, not the one she chose to use to keep me informed? up-to-date? umm...in the dark.