Thursday, February 24, 2005

Plan B

Everything is coming together. Mostly because a couple of friends have decided to have a Plan B.

Manic finally sent Kid's part, but it had to be rewritten because my kid can't learn something on par with Shakespeare by Saturday. So sorry, Manic. I know you put a lot of work into this, but you are not the only one involved. You have been vetoed.

The plan, as it stands now, is a pretty good one. If I don't receive the ENTIRE script (not just the kid's part) by 7am tomorrow, we will be going with Plan B. Personally, I think Plan B sounds better anyway. More kid friendly.

I love my friends. They rock! I feel so united with them right now.

This is what I want to say to Manic, if she's there Saturday:

"You screwed up. Now, I could have handled the loser person that you are. BUT you let my kid down. You broke your promises to her. You acted irresponsibly towards her and the other children. Because of that reason, we are done. Don't talk to me. Don't come up to me. And don't think for one second I am talking about just me: Stay away from my family. We can do without your drama."

Start to walk away, stop, look over shoulder, and :
"Oh yeah. I don't want any emails from you. I don't want apologies, excuses, explanations... And I definitely don't want emails with any false claims about your person."

Walk away, with her stunned. (At least that would be the desired effect. She may have a melt down or 'splode.)

*happy sigh*
I just hope I can keep my cool long enough to get it all out. At least, I don't have a problem telling her to shut up. :)

1 comment:

~J~ said...

Consider them already started. Just keep the stuff I said to say to the wonderful asshats in your life, and count it as Lesson 1.

Does that work for you?