Monday, February 14, 2005

I'm a mutant

I've decided I'm weird. Completely strange. Non-human, even. (Actually, that would be pretty cool!)

No matter how much I try, I have no memory of my first kiss. None.
You would think something that momentous would have left a trace, but... No.
I can remember early kisses, and even later kisses. But my first?

I feel like I am in a mind-erasing movie. I wonder if hypnosis would help...

And if I cannot remember it at all, maybe it was the worst kiss in recorded history, and I blocked it out. Maybe I would suddenly become a vegetable from the trauma of it all. Just keel over onto my keyboard, and never wake up again -- and my last memory would be of this horrific kiss (and me wondering why I tried so hard to remember).

What a sad fate.

Or maybe I can't remember because I was one of the girls chasing boys (literally) on the playground in Kindergarten?

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