Friday, February 25, 2005

Sick, sick sick!

Okay. Total sickness here. Who the hell would search for "very very liittle kids fucking pics"???
And find my site... Sheesh.
And this is what showed up on the search results (because I have used the infamous 'F' word before:

People are stupid: December 2004... How fucking lazy can you get!!!! Just reach an inch or so farther. ... I was told it was a very quick procedure. Just an incision, get some tissue, 2004_12_01_stupid-people-are-haunting-me_archive.html - 88k - Cached - Similar pages
People are stupid: October 2004... worshipped-- having one whole season dedicated to the son of a god is not very PC at all. ... your orgasms are so hot they could melt a fucking iceberg 2004_10_01_stupid-people-are-haunting-me_archive.html - 207k - Cached - Similar pages

On the plus side, I also got these keywords "blinkies kiss my attitude".

Which resulted in:

People are stupid: October 2004 - [ Traduzca esta página ]... I HATE people like that and their "my way or the highway" attitude. ...The playful kiss is about you having fun and not needing to have feelings for 2004_10_01_stupid-people-are-haunting-me_archive.html - 207k - En caché - Páginas similares

1 comment:

Ed said...

Hi there, I often see you on Cricket's site so thought I drop in and say hello.

I get some sick searches too. Of course, usually you can see their IP address and maybe I should try to do something - although what I don't know.