Monday, November 15, 2004

And so, I enter my cave...

I am feeling very anti-social. Every little thing seems to be getting to me, and I have no patience for it.

Rudeness is bothering me. Like refusing to clarify a question. Or signing off on a conversation without saying goodbye. Or thinking you are the only interesting subject to be talked about.

Over-reacting, in general, is something that I can't handle, at all, right now.

I also hate when trust is betrayed. Especially delayed reaction to it.

I just want to curl up under a blanket and pretend the world outside my home doesn't exist. I don't want the phone to ring. I don't want anyone coming over. I don't want anyone asking me, "What's wrong?", or, "Are you okay?"

I'm just glad my husband is here, and knows what I'm going through. He thinks I should have a discussion over the trust issue, but agrees the other things bothering me aren't worth bringing up. At least, it won't do any good. It's not like it''ll change anything. And who knows? Maybe even the trust issue won't be resolved by talking about it, but Husband thinks it's worth a shot.

He is such a good man. I'm glad he's mine. I am very lucky.

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