Monday, November 08, 2004

Update And Rant (the bonus package!)

Here's my update.

I'm off meat again for (probably) a few months.

I finally got to sleep around 3:30 or 4:00 in the morning. By that time, I didn't even feel tired anymore, and didn't want to go to bed. But I did the right thing. *sigh*

I think the overly sexual feeling is dissipating. At least for now.

The dog that Tractor Roadkill was blaming us for (that wasn't ours) is now gone. Someone else came and asked us if we wanted the dog, but we would have to keep him tied up. He's a biter. We refused, and now the dog is gone. Hopefully Empty Headed Bitch will rise up and out from her delusions-- but I'm not holding my breath.

Okay, minor rant.

What the hell is up with the bloggers that create blogs just to leave comments on others? Seriously, it is as creepy as a stalker. If you have a blog, use it. Not just use your 'user name'---use your own actual fucking blog. And posting something lame, and just leaving it as is? Whatever. And especially when it becomes obvious you are mainly interested in the sex blogs? Way creepy. How about some sharing of your own? Or are you a coward? Do you like to lurk without giving anything? People like that really turn my stomach. Personally, I would like to see a little more effort.

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