Wednesday, November 24, 2004

The Unexpected

He grabbed my hair, and pulled my head back.
I said, "You better stop since you're gay."
He said, "What does that matter?"

I grabbed his hair, and pulled his head back.
He said, "You better stop that since you're a girl."
Of course I said, "What does that matter?"

He said, "Okay. I warned you...."

He pulled me over to the other side of him, bent me back over the railing, and went to work on my neck. He stayed in the same spot for quite a while-- until I said it was going to leave a mark. He pulled up and off, and said, "Yes, it will."

And that is how I got a hickey from my gay friend.

(Just for you)


Anonymous said...

That sounds like a THORNEY moment!!! You oughta see my legs.... Cian's bite hurt worse, but DAMN if Thorne's didn't leave a bigger mark and bruised spectacularly!


vincent said...

Sheesh. Even gay dudes are getting more action from the ladies than me!

~J~ said...

Geez! You are in Phase 1. Of course, gay guys are getting more action than you...
And since you turned down some action in Nashville, you can't complain. ;P