Tuesday, November 16, 2004


Is trust something that can be earned back? I'm not talking about the idea of trust-- or even trust in theory. I am talking about when trust is actually broken, is it possible to get it back?
I would like to think so. I also think it would be difficult.

I think getting suspicious over non-actions is a bit silly. I think people should be judged by what they actually do-- not by what they felt like doing.

I feel like doing lots of things, but don't, because it would be wrong. Even in the heat of the moment, I'll keep my standards. I know how I'll feel after I do something I shouldn't-- and avoid doing it for that reason.

I believe every action -- good or bad -- has consequences. I also think, no matter what you are personally feeling at the time, you should think ahead to possible consequences. And if you did something wrong, you should hold yourself accountable. And accept your consequences.

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