Thursday, November 11, 2004

Where's the aspirin???

Well, my headache is now back.

Everything that was a possibility for Friday night has fallen through. Which completely sucks.

And my kid can't keep her mouth shut. I swear it is physically impossible for her to stop this stuff from coming out. Well, it is probably genetic.

I don't know what is wrong with my appetite. It seems to have gone through the roof. Even when I know I've eaten enough, I'm still hungry. Oh well. Probably just a phase. I hope it passes soon. Today would be nice. And it wouldn't be so bad, but the stuff I'm craving is junk. Maybe it has something to do with the purge. I just might have more room. What a lovely thought. (hint of sarcasm there)

I am so tired, and I don't know why. I think my sleep schedule has been okay. Catching up on sleep, and all that rot. I even passed out last night beyond normal unconsciousness. And slept in. Here it is, 6 pm, and I just want to sit on the couch and possibly fall asleep. But I have a list in my head that needs to get done in a certain amount of time. Exhausting to even think about.

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