Sunday, October 24, 2004

I feel like a yo-yo

I've been having one of those -going to extremes- kind of days. What is that--bipolar? manic depressive? Whatever.
I've been really pissed--but I've also been really happy too. Especially when I was in the toy aisle at the store. I was looking at the joysticks that can just be hooked up to your TV, and viola! retro games. I found a Sega controller with five games in it--including Sonic. I love Sonic!! Years ago, I used to have a Sega Genesis, and I never bought any game, except Sonic. And now I can replace it without having to buy a whole game system.
Some other day though. Today, Halloween make-up and blank CDs were on the list. My kid is going to be a zombie. The make-up is so cool. It has this stuff you put on, and then get to peel off to make flaps of skin. Yay! Rotting flesh!
I finally get to burn all the music that has just been sitting in my computer. I've had a bunch of playlists just waiting to be made into something portable.
And now to get more music...

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