Wednesday, October 20, 2004

The Waiting Continues...

I am locked into a waiting game. Wedding chick called today, and didn't mention her wedding once. On the one hand, that's a good thing--- I'm sick of hearing about it. But on the other hand, I STILL don't know if she is expecting me to be in it!! I could bring it up. Sure, I could. But I only get burned every time I do-- which causes the wait to be even longer.
I don't think she has any idea how much this is actually affecting me. She probably believes I am just going along in life, skipping Tra La La, picking flowers, and not caring about anyone else around me. But in reality, I've had so much on my mind, I've disappeared off the home radar. And she is a major thing that is on my mind-- almost daily.
I have gotten to know the landscape of my mind pretty well lately. Now I need some of the other waiting games that I'm in to get a move on too... It really sucks because all the balls are in everyone else's court-- and they're just letting it ride.
Hello!! I have a life too!!

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