Friday, October 22, 2004

PCness will be the death of us all

There are cities in America (the Land of the Free) that are banning Halloween. Apparently, it is an offensive holiday. To Witches. It stereotypes all witches into having long noses and pointy hats. Which is kinda funny --- I know witches that wear the pointy hats for fun. And, come to think of it, long noses, too.
We can all celebrate Harvest now. But no costumes (because apparently clowns, fairies, and goblins are also offended). No parades, No trick-or-treating...

We all know Wiccan is a nature based religion, but having a problem with Halloween?? These Fundie protesters should delve into their history a bit more. And pull the iron rods out of their asses.

What I would like to know is -- When will they ban Christmas? Personally, I am really offended we all get soaked down with Christ at that time of year-- He's not even a god, just a son of one. Where is the Holly King? The Oak King? There are other gods out there that are being worshipped-- having one whole season dedicated to the son of a god is not very PC at all.

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