Wednesday, October 20, 2004


Food has lost all taste. Even trying something different for supper didn't help. No taste, no enjoyment. Very sucky.

I have shows to watch tonight, but for some reason, I have no interest in them. I'll be watching out of habit.

I think I am going to rest up for a couple days. Get my energy back.

I got to play with Yahoo today. As usual, easily entertained.

I'm actually scared. I can feel boredom creep up on me. I hate boredom. I never get the usual kind of boredom. It is insanely intense, and it doesn't happen very often. As in maybe once a year or maybe once every couple years. I always end up having to do something I would never do. Just to break the feeling. Hmmm... I wonder... Usually I don't feel it coming. Normally it just knocks me on my ass. Maybe I can fight it off before it's here in all it's glory. Here's hoping.

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