Tuesday, October 19, 2004

I am a groupie

Or at least I would be if I could follow the cast of Rocky Horror around. As it is, I only get to worship the movie.

At the moment, I can't think of anything else that makes me so goofy happy. I feel happy and excited and, at times, strangely turned on by this movie. Tim Curry could be my Frankie any day.

Actually, I would love to see any guy dress as Frankie that could really pull it off. The guy couldn't be shy about it either-- he'd have to have the strut, the swagger, the blatant sexiness, and be extremely sexual while dressed that way. He would have to embody Frankie. Move those hips!! Let's see that cut groin! And those biceps..

In just seven days....

But that would be one sure fire way to get me into bed.. Dress and act like the sex object that is Frankie.

You know, every time I see Tim Curry, no matter what part he's playing, I see Frankie.

1 comment:

vincent said...

Yes, yes. Very interesting. *slowly backs away*