Monday, October 04, 2004

People Suck

I am so sick of people.

The one that whines and guilt trips everyone.
The one that only calls when she needs something.
The one that is trying to play head games with me right now. Geez, if she wants to distance herself, just be freakin' honest!!
The one that did as predicted--glossed over what was wrong.
The attention whore (among so many other things)
The one that is way too uptight (luckily I don't see him too often)
The always suspicious one
The 'fake' one
The always angry one
The one that never has anything positive to say
The one that puts up with the one that never has anything positive to say
The one that refuses to deal with personal issues
And so many more.....

And their expectation of me to just put up with it. Stupid.
Announcement for anyone that doesn't already know: I have a '3 strikes, you're out' rule. No exceptions. I have cut friends out of my life without regrets--because they couldn't be adult enough or equal enough or respectful enough to be in a relationship with me. I have a lot of patience, but I will only put up with so much. Even I have my limits (and I know what they are).
And people wonder how I can just hole myself up in my house.... Well, duh! THEY are out there.

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