Saturday, October 30, 2004

They just keep a'knockin'

Jehovah's Witnesses decided to stop by my house the last two days. Yesterday, I didn't answer the door. Today, no such luck. Our inside door was open, and we were obviously home. Husband went to answer the door, and he couldn't believe what he was looking at. It was a true-to-life Stepford Wife. She had the vacant, earnest, brainwashed look on her face. Her skirt fell exactly to the knee. Perfectly styled hair. Her outfit even matched and was color coordinated to the man beside her (which was pure coincidence-- but still funny/creepy). He dubbed them the Plastic People.
My husband was actually able to keep a straight face when she said our neighbors were distressed about the world situation (as if she asked them). He (somewhere in there) said something about not being Christian (don't remember exactly). Brainwashed Stepford looked stunned for a moment, and asked 'So you don't believe in God?' He said he follows a different path, and is not interested in anything Christian. She wondered if he would mind if she read a passage from the bible. He would rather she didn't. They left. I wonder how long it'll be before they come a-callin' again.

Of course, the entire exchange had me reeling through flashbacks...

1 comment:

vincent said...

HAW HAW HAW!! You're house is marked now! Might as well paint a big red "X" on your door!