Friday, October 15, 2004

The group of Sex quizzes

I took a bunch of quizzes. Here are some of the results.

Take the quiz: "Worlds fastest sex test"

Lovers of Blue are wonderful sex partners. They are sincere, affectionate and sensitive to their partners needs. They consider lovemaking a fine art and their approach is elegant. Men who love Blue are like concert pianists; delicately ravaging their partner like they would play a baby grand. Women in the Blue category enjoy sex to the fullest. Both men and women enjoy foreplay and the aftermath of love-making as much as the sex act itself. In marriage, a Blue person is a wonderful mate - never failing to please the spouse and never seeking outside interests.

Take the quiz: "How Good Are Your Orgasms?"

your orgasms are so hot they could melt a fucking iceberg

Take the quiz: "What kind of sex should you have?"

You like whips, chains..... crazy stuff. You are creative with sex. Keep it going!!!!! I hope you have a partner as kinky as you, otherwise you wont be satisfied.

Take the quiz: "What Kinda Kiss R U?"

Playful Kiss
The playful kiss is about you having fun and not needing to have feelings for that person. You just go with the flow!

Take the quiz: "What Is Your Kink?"

You think eating and sleeping are just things you do in between having sex! The problem with there only being 24 hours a day is that there just isn't enough time to cram in all the sex you crave. Your mating call is JUST DO ME!

Take the quiz: "What Kind of Pervert are You?"

The Depressed Pervert
The Depressed Pervert: You are The Depressed Pervert, you seem a bit more distant than The Horny Pervert, you actually prefer your partner to find you instead of the other way around, but what goes through your mind. ( Ooou, the intimacy ) You could think of practically anything to turn you on, more than likely the person to be with you are going to have as much wild and wet dreams as you give them, even though you are not like The Horny Pervert, you still have your tendencies, perhaps writing your poetry is a great turn on for them. But you accept things as they come, waiting for them to make the first move, usually.

Take the quiz: "What do you love about making love?"

You love to be intimate with someone. You know every inch of them, you're big on touching and any kind of body contact especially cuddling though you need to feel comfortable with someone.

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