Wednesday, October 13, 2004

Pissed off

I am in a pissy mood. I hate secrets.

I hate when people avoid the subject. I mean, really... I say something and you don't even see fit to respond? Not cool. It's rejection. Like if you were to start kissing someone, and they just sat there and let you do it, but didn't kiss back at all. That would suck, right? Well, pretending I didn't say anything is the same thing. It is just plain rude. If it is supposed to be a game, you better make sure both people are playing. Cuz I'm not.

And I'm hoping this damn blog will help me start thinking clearly again. But right now, I am pissed off. I just need to decide if it is worth saying anything about-- in the mood I'm in right now, I mean.

It's treating me as if I'm something less. That's what I hate about it. How dare you put yourself above me? I mean, fine. Have your secrets. But just dismissing me with your silence? Not cool.

I may even have eventually gone along with the plan. I don't mind games, contests of will, what have you. My curiosity may have won out (it usually does). But I will not do something like that when I am treated as beneath you. Not a chance. As if I am a slave or a toy. Whatever.

1 comment:

vincent said...

yikes! Somebody's in trouble! Glad it's not me! *gets popcorn* yeehaa!