Thursday, October 14, 2004

I'm sick of all this shit

Wedding chick hasn't called back since our last conversation. Hmmm... Maybe she's pissed at me. And maybe I just don't care.
Gonna throw a hissy fit over this? Whatever. Knock yourself out. You should sell tickets. I would enjoy the show. I would love to see how you twist it to make me look like a really horrible person for not doing exactly what you think I should do.

I am picturing you standing on the pitcher's mound in a baseball field (with me in the bleachers snacking on something), ranting about me not working my ass off for most of a year (and not hardly seeing my family), missing my favorite weekend of the entire year-- and all for you.

Unbelievable! How could I do that? How could I even consider not wanting to give up my life for your one too-expensive day?

Whatever. I'm done. No more rants. I'm sick of them.

1 comment:

vincent said...

You can't stop the rants. Don't even try. You're one of us now!