Sunday, October 10, 2004


Stupid goddamn out-of-control emotional attention-whore belligerent disrespectful drunk ass bitch.
Doesn't that just say it all? That was my night last night.
Bitch starts drinking, getting louder and louder and LOUDER... And the more she drank, the more important she became-- in her eyes anyway. And watch your ass if you didn't share the idea of her being the center of the fucking universe. (Who is she kidding? I am the center...) And the louder and more important she became, the more extreme her emotions.
To the point of crying loudly in the middle of the room (doesn't that just scream 'notice me'??), and alternately being affectionate or pissed at her sweetie of a husband.
And to top it all off, I let her get to me. I actually raised my voice, and bitched at her, and told her that being a bitch to all of us was not okay. I know that sounds minor, but I am usually in much better control of myself. My husband later told me "That was great!!". He was beyond fed up with her, so what does he know? :)
And she ends the night by breaking her knuckle (crying didn't get any attention, maybe broken bones will...), and demanding her husband take her to a hospital 'RIGHT NOW I'M SERIOUS'.
They probably left like 45 minutes after that cute announcement. *laugh* Yeah, he really jumped to do her bidding, didn't he?
All of her out of control screaming at her husband, woke up my kid. But when she decided to bring her complaints, bitching, manipulation into my kid's room (who was fully awake by now), I firmly, but clearly, told her that was not appropriate. It somehow penetrated the drunken haze, and she shut up and left the room.
She is the most unbelievable person I know. I swear my I.Q. drops 50 points every time I'm around her. I could almost communicate in grunts and overemphasized gestures.
I almost wish I would have told her what I was thinking: "You were the brainless wonder that had to punch till you broke something. I don't feel sorry for you. If it was up to me, you would sit your ass in a quiet place, shut the hell up, and you will get taken care of when we're damn good and ready." (Actually, at this point, the only thing stopping me were the eyes and ears of my kid. I really don't need to introduce her to Evil Me.)
I think since it was self-inflicted, she should suffer. Suffer a long time. Alone. Alone with the rednecks in her head. And let the rest of us go on with our lives in peace.
I have never been so tempted to break up a marriage... How the fuck did the throwback from hell get such a great guy?


Anonymous said...

She was totally obnoxious, and you were a helluva lot nicer than I woulda been....but then, I'm a bitch. ;>

~J~ said...

Well, if it had been just her, I wouldn't have been surprised at my outburst. I probably would have had many more---especially with that damn door fiasco. Geez... Deaf AND Dumb...

Wonder which personality that was...

Anonymous said...

Geez, you certainly invite the most interesting people into your home. I would've knocked the bitch out and bitch slapped her man for just being with her. Just me though.


Anonymous said...

I seriously beleive some people have like an alergy to alchohol.They LIKE TRANSFORM, when they drink too much.
They simply shouldn't drink. Have a friend like that but since he reconised he had a problem and stopped drinkin he's become a person I am happy to know and spend time with. An old friend from back in my teenage years.If you want to fix the problem for everyone she comes in contact with, you could try telling her about it when she is completely sober. A video or even an audio tape of her last episode would help.
If you don't give a shit, bash her head against the wall and bang her bloke asking him why he would put up with that shit. I hate seeing good people putting up with shit. Maybe next time you invite her over, your kid has a sleep over at aunty's or something.
We can't change the world but sometimes we can make a small diference.