Thursday, October 28, 2004

Time to celebrate!

They finally did it. It's over. We were all pulling for him. We were hoping he would come to the right decision. He did. Today. On his own.
And the best part? She picked up on it. She asked him if he was going to leave her. Amazing. She can have a smart moment. I think that's a first. Well, first I've seen, anyway.
The only bad thing is it'll take her two weeks to a month to move out. And I have no idea how she'll move all her animals. And knowing her, she'll get more critters before she's gone. At least she's moving out of state.
Also, knowing her, she will make his life hell during this last month. Who knows? Maybe she'll find that last human gene in her and actually be decent. Miracles do happen. Occasionally. We can only hope.

Here's the best thing of all. He gets to be friends and actually socialize with us -- whenever he wants! She won't be dictating when he can leave the house anymore. *laugh* She won't be dictating shit anymore! YAY!!! *throwing confetti*

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

WooHoo! It's about damn time! Why the hell he put up with all that for so long is a mystery, but YAY!!!
