Monday, October 11, 2004

To go where no one else has gone before....

I took two more tests: Your Kingdomality and RQ Dragon Test (they were related). I do not have the links for them, so if you want to take them--you're on your own. :-)

Your distinct personality, The Discoverer, might be found in most of the thriving kingdoms of the time. Your overriding goal is to go where no one else has ever gone before. Regardless of the number of available natural problems to be solved, it is not unusual for you to continually challenge yourself with new situations or obstacles that you have created. You are an insatiable explorer of people, places, things and ideas. You thrive on constant change and anything new or different. On the positive side, you can be creatively rational as well as open minded and just. On the negative side, you might be an impractical and indecisive procrastinator. Interestingly, your preference is just as applicable in today's corporate kingdoms

Kingdomality Type: Discoverers in the Kingdom (Medieval or Modern)Discoverers are future oriented and are truly the research and development personalities. They want to be first at everything they do and they become easily bored with repetition. Once they have experienced the essence of something and have dissected its intricacies, they are naturally compelled to move on. They seek constant change and new experiences.Dragons in the medieval kingdom seem to have their modern counterparts.

How resilient would you have been then or now, and which Dragons appear to be most troublesome?

Hostility Results: ACTIVE - These Dragons are under control ...A score in this area indicates a healthy awareness of environment and self as well as a positive involvement with life and its give and take.

Busy-Busy Results: ACTIVE - These Dragons are under control ...A score in this area indicates a healthy awareness of environment and self as well as a positive involvement with life and its give and take.

Withdrawal Results: WARNING - These Dragons are getting close ... A score in this area suggests an over involvement with one's environment and a susceptibility to stressors. It is easy to lose sight of goals or direction because of continual sidetracking caused by the events. Dealing with problems tends to become reactive rather than proactive. Consider taking immediate steps to bring things under control.

Resiliency Results: RESILIENT - You are a Dragon Master! Stress is managed exceptionally well and this very healthy individual is able to bounce back from almost every situation.


Anonymous said...

you are a huge nerd!

~J~ said...

It is not even possible to be a nerd when you are a Dragon Master. Bow down to me!!!! Muhahahaha

Anonymous said...

If anonymous wasn't such a dork, they wouldn't posted as anonymous.

Anonymous said...

See my coment on HELP + others.
see ya...